It all begins with an idea
See some of the ways we have explored, expressed and discussed the idea of creating a network of circular economy villages. Scroll down for radio interviews, podcasts and presentations
Planning for a Network of Circular Economy Villages | PIA presentation.
This presentation, in October 2021, introduces the concept of Circular Economy Villages, to be explored in more detail in a PIA PLANET short course in the first half of 2022. Steven Liaros and Nilmini De Silva discuss several global megatrends that are changing the way we live and work. The convergence of these trends, taken to their logical conclusion, suggests that future cities should be planned as a network of community-scale precincts. These would incorporate precinct-scale circular economy infrastructure, renewable energy micro-grids, shared electric vehicles and regenerative agriculture integrated with build-to-rent housing and coworking hubs. The Circular Economy Village development model is applicable primarily in rural and regional areas seeking to attract post-COVID escapees from the major cities.
circular economy | regional planning | renewable energy | global megatrends | future cities
Circular Economy Villages & Food systems | Radio interview
18 April 2019
Interview by Cynthia Lim of Steven Liaros and Nilmini De Silva from PolisPlan on The Food eXchange programme, SeymourFM 103.9.
The wide ranging discussion explores the new paradigm for regenerative human settlements that they are developing. PolisPlan are mobile consultants who work around Australia, informing local governments, empowering local communities and collaborating with other professionals and researchers. Their approach to land development seeks to integrate regenerative agriculture, energy and water micro-grids together with co-living and co-working spaces.
SeymourFM 103.9 - Community Radio in Seymour, Victoria.
circular economy | regional planning | renewable energy | global megatrendsfuture cities
Interview | The Circulist Quest
10 Dec. 2021
Episode 9: Steven Liaros and Nilmini De Silva are co-creators of a circular economy village concept. Together they run PolisPlan, a strategic engineering and town planning consultancy where they are developing the Circular Economy Villages Project. Listeners will hear the story of how Steven and Nilmini met, were introduced to the circular economy, and began traveling around Australia, researching how to implement circular villages to revitalise rural areas. Quotable Quotes:“We feel that a lot of people that are in this space, really thinking about ‘what’s the meaning of life?’ and ‘how can we make things better given all the crises we are facing?’, it’s usually people who have experienced some sort of crisis in their life.” — @steven_liaros [0:05:25] “I started to think: isn’t the internet similar to the printing press in making information widely available? Isn’t there a possibility for another renaissance?” — @steven_liaros [0:08:51] “We began to see that the idea of having a network of villages that were connected was not so far fetched because people were already beginning to look for these connections.” — @DeSilva_Nilmini [0:15:28] “We can see this yin yang thing happening again. We’re used to thinking of cities as planning for people’s housing and work, where you’re anchored to a place. We think of it as a balance between the settled life and the nomadic life.” — @steven_liaros [0:17:58] “So far, the unit of design has been the individual house, but it’s hard to really get proper sustainability in that environment, be it economic or social, using that means. When you think of a unit as a village, it is much easier to have these decentralised systems.” — @DeSilva_Nilmini [0:20:55] Circulist Host Nick Gonios, Producer Jim Lounsbury